Protected: Job Videos and Study Guides
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TransformHERs meets on the first and third Mondays of each month. Updated information will be available in the fall.
The Tool Shed – A Men’s Bible Study We invite all the men to join us bi-monthly on Mondays (second and fourth) from 7:00 PM-8:00 PM for The Tool Shed…
Zoom Meeting Information: Past Sunday School Studies: Job Videos and Study Guides
Due to COVID-19, we are having our Sunday School classes combined into one class via Zoom. Job: A Story of Unlikely Joy by Lisa Harper is what we are currently…
St. Matthew United Methodist Women normally meet the second Saturday of each month. The Women’s group will resume meeting after the summer break. Our women’s group supports various mission and…
St. Matthew United Methodist Men meet every second Saturday of the month. The men’s group will meet again after the summer break. The Mission of the Methodist Men is to…