July 2021

From the Pastor:

Hi Church Family,

As we close out our sermon series about the Holy Spirit, let me leave you with this awesome devotional used by permission from J.D. Walt.  Love you guys and may you walk in the power of the Holy Spirit!


“What can we learn about the person, work, ways and will of the Holy Spirit through a close examination of the life of Jesus. What can we learn about the Spirit infused life that we are called to live by studying Jesus, whom we are called to be like? In other words, Jesus teaches us the ways of the Spirit filled life if we will pay attention. It’s one thing to ask, “What would Jesus do?” It’s quite another to inquire about how the Holy Spirit perfects holy love in a human person.

A fun yet inferior analogy comes from the Star Wars movies. Luke Skywalker learned the ways of “The Force” by studying at the feet of his Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Holy Spirit, far from some mythical force, is the third person of the Trinity. Jesus doesn’t just teach us about the Holy Spirit when he is speaking explicitly about the Spirit. No, he teaches us about the ways of the Spirit every day of his life. We will see the Spirit on display from the ordinary to the supernatural. Conversely, the Holy Spirit will teach us about Jesus through the Spirit’s presence in our lives, right here and now.

Maybe this is something of what makes the Gospel the Gospel. The Gospel is historical, yet it transcends history. Like a window that cannot be closed, the Gospel opens an eternal vista into the mysterious verities of the Trinity. In fact, it’s better than that. The Holy Spirit brings us into the inner workings of the Gospel by bringing us inside the interpersonal relationships between Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, John says it like this in his Gospel: “For he is sent by God. He speaks God’s words, for God gives him the Spirit without limit.” John 3:34.

Though Jesus Christ first came to us prior to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, he shows us what it looks like when a human being lives in the fullness of the Spirit.  Think about it. The Holy Spirit revealed not only the truth of the Gospel of Jesus to Mark, but he also inspired the way this Gospel was to be written down.  And by the grace of God, the Holy Spirit will reveal this Gospel to us in ever deepening ways.


“Our Father in Heaven, thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to reveal your Son to us. And thank you for sending your Son to reveal your Spirit to us. Lead us on this journey through the Gospel to deep insight into the good news of the Holy Spirit through examining the life of Jesus. Reveal our possibilities. In Jesus name, Amen.”


Do you think it is possible to be filled with the Holy Spirit in the same way Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit during his life on Earth? Why or why not?”

July Birthdays                                                                 July Anniversaries

4-Mary McCrum                                                                                                               6-Kenneth and Niki Crow
5-Kyla Dollar                                                                                                                    23-Richard and Nancy Schunke
7-Amelia Anderson                                                                                                      29-Billy and Marlene Pierce
7-Rilee Parker (Crow)
13-Chris Wade
16-Lupe Flores
17-Becca Sanford
18-Shanna Ross
19-Parto Yazdaniha
22-Anna Ruth Murphree
22-James Wade
24-Janna McElfresh
25-Josh Dollar
31-Carol Salesky


Ongoing Outreach

Aspen Apartments: First Friday Movie Night with our Aspen family was a great success! We hope to continue to have these movies throughout the summer so please watch for dates and time.  A BIG HUGE THANKS to those who helped move the movie equipment, screen, and sandbags and whatever else over to the movie area.  St. Matt’s had as much fun as the Aspen group.  It is always a joy to witness in so many ways to show our love and God’s love to our neighbors.  Pam Ryan and committee, thank you again for such great organizational skills.

TransformHERs Bible Study: This Women’s Bible Study meets on ZOOM every 1st and 3rd Monday at 7 p.m.  Carol Salesky leads this study. Be sure to keep up through our church emails for all meetings and ZOOM times especially during summer schedules.

The Tool Shed Men’s Bible Study: Meet via ZOOM every 2nd and 4th Monday evenings at 7:00 pm.  All men of the church are invited and any friends as well.  Again, keep up with emails should times change.

Other ZOOM meetings are ongoing during the week – Pastor Todd or Jeannie, our church secretary sends information at the first of each week with a reminder by a “day of” email. Be sure to be checking your emails from the church daily!

Sunday Morning Services are still back in the pews and on Facebook as well. It is so genuinely nice to see and speak people face-to-face.  Masks are welcome, or not, depending on one’s preference.  However, one chooses, please “attend” – we miss you when you’re not “with” us one way or the other.  Also, if for some reason it can’t be helped, all the sermons are on Facebook to either see/hear again, or view for the first time.  

Attention Choir Members and Potential Choir Members per Carol Salesky will begin August 25th.  Keep this in mind and “make joyful noises!” Get your “do-ray-me” scales ready because Carol is rarin’ to go.

A REMINDER: Women’s Group will not be meeting for the summer.  

Men’s Group IS meeting for the summer! Please contact Terry Rodgers or Todd or any of the men to be put on their email list to attend.

Note from the Trustees: ADOPT AN AREA

Just a note to remind everyone this has gone over very well, BUT (there is always a BUT) we need more help as only a given few are appearing every Saturday and throughout the week (I will readily admit I am not one of them).

Thanks to Randy, Glenna, Richard, Paula, Audrey, Todd, Monty, Pam, and Wendy and for their help and PLEASE forgive me if I left someone out because (to me) this is a big deal for those who can physically help. 

Glenna pointed out to me that, for instance, in that large area between the church and Aspen Apartments, Monty comes early (because he gets up at 5:30 – who does that???) and picks up all the trash back there and the side of the church.  Then Paula comes and does the same thing because there is already trash.  Then comes Glenna who does the same thing because there is trash again.

Since I cannot physically help because of my shoulders, maybe I should come and police the trash mongers? Or maybe it’s the wind, but still.  

If you can’t help on Saturday and are out and about any other day of the week and just want to stop by and pick up trash or make sure the flower areas are weeded, or anything seen that might be unsightly – please stop!

Enough can’t be said for the volunteers we have in our small but wealthy congregation of hard workers.  Money is always needed, but without our willing volunteers we’d just be another trashy yard.  😊


I wrote this article for the newspaper I submitted to as you can see, for July 4, 2016.  I decided to put it in this newsletter because I feel all that I felt 5 years ago has escalated on all sides. 

I am so happy that I belong to a Bible based congregation that still worships from the Bible and teaches us God is in control. Admittedly, I often struggle with “really? And blatantly ask God if He is indeed in control – and somehow, some way I always get an answer. 

Often, it’s from a friend who knows me better than I know myself (thank you Glenna), or my husband who always seems to be optimistic and calm, or from Todd’s sermons, or from someone in the congregation and sometimes people I don’t even know. As Todd’s sermons of late have been centered upon, it’s the Holy Spirit that flows in and around me in assurance that make me know AND believe, God is in control.

A Dollar’s Worth

Our church, on July 4th, held an outdoor service. It was hot and water and cookies were available and the awning covering most of us couldn’t keep the heat from bearing down. I have an aversion to sweat.

I tried to remember those of us who follow Christian teaching know and believe that sweating is nothing compared to nails driven through flesh.

Since it was July 4th, the music was patriotic. I’ll never tire of these songs.  Partly because I’ve always known them but mostly because America doesn’t seem very patriotic now.

I try to remain positive and think it’s just me, but truly everyone is griping and disheartened, and everyone is right and nobody in their sight can be so therefore we’ve become polarized.

I’ve tried to understand why and for me it’s because I don’t care what you believe or how you vote, but please don’t assume I’m not going to get my two cents (or dollars’ worth) into the conversation. Hopefully as respectful as I’ve listened even if I disagree. All sides should be heard.

What happened to spirited conversation without someone being offended or someone having to be right or ignorant?  I’m certainly including myself in the fray because without a doubt I know I have a big mouth and am opinionated. I spout off in private to myself or poor hubs my frustration.

Somewhere, somehow, we’ve “all” learned disrespect, plain ole’ dissing, and close-minded nasty attitudes. Some in large levels and some just thinking it and never doing anything about it but sit and stew.

This day of worship however, a young lady of about ten, came to the front with a flag waving over her head. She was bearing a huge beautiful and proud smile as we all recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

It struck me during the recitation, when I was her age, which was a long time ago, my peer would fight over who was going to get to hold the flag in daily public school recitation of the pledge. Nowadays we fight over even having the flag anywhere near a school much less in the classroom.

Is that sad to anyone else?

I love my country and I want people to reboot by moving here.

What happened to people who came in respect for our governing laws by becoming a part of or respecting our traditions as a country, yet still practicing their homeland ways as we strive to respect as well. Or our own citizens turning backs on basic traditions and respect.

So, the 4th of July for me was wondering what happened to what used to be a heartfelt blaring of love and respect for our country–which I still have, though a bit chaffed.

I want our country back.

As always, a heartfelt praise for our military and continued prayers for the men and women who over years, to this day and beyond, sacrifice to give and save our traditions.

Hope your 4th was blessed!

A footnote:  Everything written in this article years ago are MY opinions and mine alone. I would never not listen to a person out of respect unless perhaps I’m disrespected.  I was reared in a home that differing opinions were allowed knowing the consequence might not always be good; but to prepare for whatever outcome, stand tall and speak out. 

I hope not to offend anyone ever, and if I do, I will apologize and probably ask why and work on it. I know my humor in these newsletters might not be appreciated, but it’s me.

I’ll be happy to share someone else doing this!  😊

I love all of you St. Matthew. Good is good.   


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St. Matthew United Methodist Church

5320 50th Street

Lubbock, TX 79414