June 2020

Hello again, church friends!

Here I am again! It’s summer, with the weather changing quickly and mostly HOT! I am a “winter” person, so I hang out under a ceiling fan as much as I can and don’t venture out as often as some of my “fun in the sun” friends. I could also pass as a wimp in hot weather. The quarantine seems to be passing or at least people are getting out more. We’ve eaten at a few of our favorite places since the restaurants have opened with limited seating and it was nice to go out again.

I can’t go without asking that we as individuals and as a church pray for all the unease caused by rioting and looting after the unlawful death of George Floyd. It doesn’t matter where one stands politically, or religiously, or whatever; there are certainly going to be corrupt individuals in almost every profession and walk of life. This time it was within a police force. Please pray for the family of Mr. Floyd and pray for all the non corrupt police persons who are as appalled by what happened as we are. It’s not for me to say where one should stand, that is up to each individual. I do know for sure that prayer is always good.

Thank you again to our pastor and our praise team, and Pam who present our Sunday mornings who have gone above and beyond to make things happen. Each Sunday it gets better! Also, the “drive by love cars” for Hu and then more recently for Faye have been such a success for those we’ve honored. And those of us participating. Again, the praise team has always been there no matter how hot!
Everyone be safe. Miss all of you!


June Birthdays                                                          June Anniversaries

2-Mark Muhl                                                                                                            2-Phil and Jennie Cruzan
3-Alisa Dollar                                                                                                           9-Matt and Pam Ryan
3-Melissa Wade                                                                                                    20-Chris and Melissa Wade
12-Kayla Moore                                                                                                    25-Shane and Shanna Ross
16-Tom Stueve
20-Travis Copeland
22-Misty Peden

ALL MEETINGS WILL BE, and CHURCH SERVICES WILL BE ON ZOOM and/or FACEBOOK. Please pay close attention to emails being sent out almost daily as reminders. If you would like to be on our email list, please call the church at 806-799-4170 or email us at stmatthewumc@nts-online.net or smumclubbock@gmail.com

We’ve made it simple, secure, and convenient to GIVE ONLINE with a credit card or debit card for your tithes and offerings. If you prefer to give by check, our mailing address is:

St. Matthew United Methodist Church

5320 50th Street

Lubbock, TX 79414

My second “victim” is: GUESS WHO????? Story sent to me and printed verbatim! Reveal at the end!

“Tale of Two Screws”

After drive by hello company left yesterday, xxxxx got the mail! My long- awaited atomic clock arrived. It has an outdoor sensor for temperature, too!

My old one had broken the holder and the sensor didn’t work. Get a cup of coffee this ISN’T a short tale!🌝 Being the farmer girl (who has loss stamina and ability) I get my lady battery powered screwdriver! xxxxx offers to do it, but NO I can DO two screws out! Halfway out they STOP!! So, # 1 trip back in the house for a manual screwdriver, No, that one doesn’t help at All! #2 trip I get two other screwdrivers! No, that one doesn’t move them either. xxxxx decides to come to the aid of my now hurting Hand and my aching back. I can’t stand long without it raising its ugly head! Sure enough xxxxx has the same problem! #3 trip get all screwdriver in the house even the ones inherited from Daddy!! Nope !😪 Now we get serious!! xxxxx calls for pliers!! #4 trip Get them. #5 trip Get vise grip pliers! Finally, he gets the TWO old screws out!! OK , NO BIG DEAL. Right❓❓
I TAKE OVER AGAIN!! I CAN PUT IN TWO SCREWS. THE HOLES ARE THERE ALREADY, RIGHT❓ WRONG!! THEY GO IN HALFWAY AND STOP AND I MEAN STOPPPPPPP!! HUBBY COMES TO THE RESCUE AGAIN!! NOW WE GO THROUGH THE SCREWDRIVER SELECTION AGAIN !!!!THE PLIERS SELECTION AGAIN!!!! He finally gets the screws out but by now the screws are useless!😪😪 Now every household has screws and more screws RIGHT!!!! WE HAVE TONS OF SCREWS, in boxes, In cans, in jars !! WE FINALLY FIND TWO!! , YES TWO SCREWS !!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!! RESTING AGAIN😪😪 NOW WE ARE SMARTER, WE MAKE NEW PILOT HOLES WITH TWO NAILS!! WIFEY ( THAT’S ME) SAYS I’VE GOT THIS!! POWER SCREWDRIVER DOESN’T LIKE THIS😪 #6 trip. Get ladder to be sure we are putting screws level!!🌝🌝 Finally, 2 SCREWS are IN! 🎉🎉🎉ONLY 4 HOURS LATER!!!!!! Now if someone asks what did you do yesterday!! We can say we put in 2 screws!!😂😂😂😂


Did y’all guess Billy and Marlene Pierce????

I laughed out loud when I received this email and asked immediately, after telling Marlene I thought we might be related, if I could use in the newsletter, to which she replied yes. This is the epitome of a couple who’ve spent many years together and know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and always maintain a sense of humor with the other.

We can only hope to attain that in our lives.

Aside from a healthy happy marriage, the Pierce’s have given so much to St.Matthew and in a previous life to children within a school system. They strove to give their all and still do, to their best ability, give “their best”.

We are fortunate to have them in our congregation because as they have done in their marriage and life the utmost to serve the Lord through their giving, service, and most of all love, they do also with St. Matthew.

Thank you, Pierces!
We LOVE you!